No matter how advanced the technology might become, one thing never changes: Behind the exceptional technology, there are always great people. People are the beginning and the end of every solution. The brains and the power behind platforms, behinds apps, behind artificial intelligence. The company who builds it’s strength on, understands and invests in people, is the company that will thrive._
_We are forward thinking & solutions driven professionals: engineers, developers, designers, project managers… with a strong belief in the power of the people. Smart people driving great technology to create outstanding output._
_In our minds, a healthy team is a successful team. We endorse regular physical activity which in return provides us with many benefits, most importantly, with the additional energy to pull through the rougher patches while keeping a positive attitude and bright expectations._
_We run to feel good, we run to do good._
_We are Undabot, we make things work.
Runfriendly Employer information
Ul. Ivana Lučića 2a
10000 Zagreb