Bagatin runs B2B race!

Bagatin Clinic, the leading private polyclinic in the region specializing in cosmetic surgery, dentistry, cosmetology and dermatology was named a Run Friendly Employer this year and became the first clinic in the world with this title. Therefore, it is no wonder that active Bagatin employees participated in the B2RUN event at lake Jarun in Zagreb this year. Never has a multi-event of this type happened in the city of Zagreb – over 400 smaller and larger organizations have registered to participate. Like most of the applicants, the staff at the Bagatin Clinic came not because of the results, but because of the teammates and unique energy that ruled Jarun. After the race, participants had the opportunity to enjoy food and drinks in the great atmosphere of runners and walkers at the same place, with the same goal of creating an unforgettable feeling of being connected not only with their team but with the other 8000 participants.

Bagatin staff says: “We had the opportunity to see our team in different outfits and a sportsmanship atmosphere. While some were running, others were walking, but we all participated with a full heart. With lots of laughter and sweat, we came to a satisfactory result. We look forward to seeing the next opportunity when we will never come more prepared and of course in even greater glow! “

By |2019-10-23T19:52:16+00:00October 23rd, 2019|News|